What should I eat before anal sex?

Think about your diet before you think about dick.

What should I eat before anal sex?

Whether you’re planning a big night out, thinking ahead to a hookup you’ve got planned, or just planning a romantic night for two, your search history might include something along the lines of – When can I eat before anal sex? What foods are good for anal sex? What’s a good diet for anal sex?

When it comes to food, anal sex is a bit like swimming – if you’ve had a big meal, the general rule is that you want to wait a bit before jumping straight in there. But is there an ideal diet for bottoms?

If you’re a guy who enjoys a bit of anal play, you’ll know that you want to be feeling clean and confident before someone starts sticking things up your butt. Unsurprisingly, there’s a direct connection between the state of our butt and what we eat – your day-to-day diet is inevitably going to play a role in your sex life.

Following a healthy diet in your day-to-day life is a sensible idea regardless of what sort of sex that you enjoy, but if you’re going to be having anal sex then healthy choices are a good option.

What exactly does a healthy diet look like for bottoms?


Something that you definitely want to be thinking about is fibre – it plays a really important role in the digestive system. Fibre isn’t just some kind of supplement that you can take at the last minute before you head off to a sex party, it needs to be incorporated into your diet over an extended period of time.

There’s two types of fibre – soluble fibre and insoluble fibre. As the terms suggest, soluble fibres absorb water and help keep everything moving smoothly, whereas insoluble fibres don’t absorb water and keep everything moving efficiently. A good balance of both is what you’re looking for.

Soluble fibres come from fruits, and insoluble fibres comes from grains and vegetables. Health food stores will have fibre supplements available if you think you need to boost the fibre in your diet. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to get those soluble fibres working.

Avoid processed foods

Processed foods aren’t great, and they tend to mess with your digestion. Try and go for fresh, organic foods wherever possible. Avoid foods that are high in sugar.

Things like carbonated drinks or beer can make you feel gassy and bloated. A lot of guys recommend avoiding dairy in the lead-up to anal sex.

Spicy foods

Spicy foods with lots of chilli and pepper are obviously delicious, but they’re difficult for your body to deal with, and can cause some unpredictable movements in your digestive system. If you’re planning ahead for anal sex, try and avoid any spicy foods.

Red meat

Read meat is a great source of protein, but it takes a long time for your body to digest. If you’re eating a lot of red meat and it’s slowing down your digestive system, then you might not be as clean and confident as you’d like to be.

The final preparations

Whatever you’ve eaten, you may still want the extra certainty of giving yourself a clean out with a douche of some kind. Douching properly takes time and practice – don’t rush it, and don’t try and do it at the last minute before heading out for the night.

Try not to douche too often – it’s not great for your butt. A couple of times a week is probably okay, but the more you can leave your butt to just naturally do its thing, the better it will feel.

Once you’ve douched and you think that you’re ready to go, giving yourself some pre-work with a dildo will also help ensure that you’re clean and confident and ready for action.

Understand your body

There’s no getting around the fact that the primary function of your butt is to expel your body’s faeces – the waste matter, the shit. If everything is working as it’s supposed to, and your diet is good, then you should be able to enjoy great anal sex without much more preparation than a thorough clean in the shower and plenty of lube.

It’s great to share tips and get advice from friends, but ultimately you need to figure out what works best for you. You know your body best.

If your stomach is feeling a bit upset or you’re not feeling up for anal sex for whatever reason, just take a rain-check on that activity. There’s plenty of other ways that you can get each other off – it’s totally okay to make it clear that anal sex isn’t on the menu.

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