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What Should you Wear to a Queer Plus Wedding

Are you attending a queer wedding in the near future? If so, you are probably feeling a mixture of joy, excitement, and stress. There will be clear anticipation for the special event, but at the same time, you might stress about what to wear, especially if it is a non-binary or trans wedding. Always find out about the wedding etiquette before you attend, and stay true to who you are.

Gay Wedding Wear

If you identify as gay and you are attending a gay wedding, you might be wondering about the right thing to wear. The good news is there is less to worry about than you might think. Gay weddings are much the same as traditional straight weddings, dress to suit the occasion.

Traditional weddings tend to have etiquette that comes from a long history of conventions. While gay weddings are more recent, they sometimes borrow from conventions to match traditional weddings. Find out if there are etiquette rules, and wear something appropriate and authentic.

Lesbian Wedding Wear

As with gay weddings, lesbian weddings sit somewhere between traditional weddings and non-traditional ones. As it’s a lesbian occasion, you are free to dress in something that aligns with your gender, sexuality, and personality. But again, it’s worth checking any etiquette rules.

Some lesbians dress in conventional feminine clothing for special occasions like weddings – there is nothing in what they wear to suggest they are lgbtq+, while others prefer to wear their queerness up front. It’s all down to the individual and how they prefer to express themselves.

Non-Binary Wedding Wear

From the earliest times, non-binary people – known as androgynous in early Greek civilization – have pondered how to express themselves authentically in a binary world. Joan of Arc dressed in men’s military gear, Frida Kahlo in mens suits, and David Bowie in many non-binary outfits.

If you are attending a nonbinary wedding, one of both of the people getting married is likely to be non-binary or gender non-conforming. It gives you some flexibility to express your true nature in an authentic way as well. If you are non-binary, find clothes that align with your true nature.

Transgender Wedding Wear

Transgender and non-binary people are quite close on the gender continuum, but there are subtle differences between them. Both transgender and non-binary people might use a “they” pronoun, but transgender people are more likely to make physical changes to their bodies.

For this reason, there is little difference between a transgender and a non-binary wedding in terms of wedding outfits. Check if there is any etiquette for the wedding and make choices based on the occasion and what you feel comfortable wearing. It’s a chance to express yourself.

Bisexual Wedding Wear

If the couple getting married identify as bisexual, you are attending a bisexual wedding, so what should you wear to this special occasion? Again, a bisexual wedding is very similar to any other wedding on the lgbt+ continuum. Often, the guests have a little more freedom of expression because the conventions are flexible, so tune into your true self and make smart style choices.


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