Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea cases on the rise in the UK

Regular STI testing is essential.

Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea cases on the rise in the UK

Gonorrhoea is a common STI that is generally fairly quick and easy to treat. However, health authorities in the UK are warning against a rise in cases of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea.

The first option drug used to treat gonorrhoea in the UK is an antibiotic called ceftriaxone. In recent years, 15 cases have been identified in which the antibiotic was ineffective against the strain of gonorrhoea detected.

While that may seem like a small number of cases, health authorities are concerned that it is a significant and rising trend - indicating an emerging worldwide public health concern.

In the 15 cases identified, it's been reported that they were all acquired while the patients were travelling outside of the UK. All 15 cases identified as heterosexual.

Gonorrhoea is caused by a bacteria that is easily transmitted during a sexual encounter. Wearing a condom doesn't really provide you with any material protection against transmission.

You may be carrying the bacteria and not experiencing any symptoms - that's why regular testing for STIs is important as it helps to identify and treat cases as well as minimising transmission between sexual partners.

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