Looking for something more than a hook-up?

Put the technology to work and connect with guys near you.

Looking for something more than a hook-up?

What do you do if you want more than just a quick, one-off sexual encounter. What if you actually want to find that special someone  - someone to go out for dinner with, to the movies, or a weekend away on a romantic mini-break? What do you do if you’re not into bars, clubs, or casual on-line hookups?

Get out there

You’re not going to meet anyone by sitting at home in your flat, eating ice-cream, looking out the window, and listening to Adele’s latest album on repeat. Finding someone that you want to spend time with takes some effort, and you have to put yourself in situations where you’re meeting new people.

Meet new people

As a general rule, your friends aren’t going to have sex with you. It can be comfortable doing the same old things with people that ‘get you’ and make you laugh, but if you want to make a change in your life then you need to push yourself to be doing new things, in different places, with people you haven’t met before.

Try something different

Take up a new activity that puts you in contact with other LGBTQ people. This could be a queer sports club, a community organisation, a singing group, or a charity.

Why not go on a group vacation or expedition aimed at queer people? You may not want to sleep with any of the people that you meet, but dating is a bit of a numbers game. It's worth a shot.

Don’t take it personally

Don’t take it too seriously if it doesn’t work out. Queer guys are notoriously flighty and flakey. Enjoy the moment - enjoy your time together. If one of you decides that it’s time to move on, it’s okay to be upset or disappointed, but it’s not the end of the world. Pick yourself up and put yourself back out there.

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