ManCrush: Levy Foxx

We follow him hard.

ManCrush: Levy Foxx

On a recent episode of the Naked Men Talking podcast, we caught up with Levy Foxx for a behind-the-scenes look at his online life.

In the conversation, we talk body transformation, bringing your best-self to your work, and his unexpected entry into the world of gay porn.

Listen to the episode

Levy, welcome.

Thank you.

Let's start at the beginning - what was your relationship with your body like when you were growing up? Have you always been someone who's comfortable getting their clothes off in front of other people?

Actually, no.

Growing up, I was insecure about my body - I was very thin.

About when I turned 20, I started learning how to work out and take protein, and started to overcome my insecurities.

Talk to me about the move into adult entertainment, into creating content - what led you to start exploring that?

I didn't plan it. I was talking to a guy on a hook-up app, but we were too far away to meet - I was in Wisconsin and he was in San Francisco.

We talked for months, then one day he said that there was a way for us to meet if we filmed it. So I said, sure. I just really wanted to meet him - I didn’t care what happened after that.

It obviously went pretty well because you're still doing it - is there a bit of an exhibitionist in you then that you unlocked through that experience?

Yeah, I like showing off when I'm with my friends.

How has that whole experience changed your relationship with your body and your perception of yourself - knowing that guys are into watching you get naked, watching you perform on camera?

I became more comfortable with myself and my body. I built a lot of confidence and I perform well when people are watching or I'm recording it.

Do you enjoy the entrepreneurial side of the fan-subscription platforms?

Yeah, I enjoy it. It’s a full-time job - the marketing, editing, filming, scheduling.

It takes a lot of time and energy to organise collaborations to film with other content creators. Does that make it harder to make real-life connections in terms of relationships and intimacy?

When it comes to collaborations, mostly it’s like we're just both businessmen. We get the job done.

I try to schedule a week or two of collaborations and then take a break when I just focus on myself or hanging out with friends.

If someone was interested in exploring the world of gay porn and fan-subscription channels, what advice or guidance would you give them?

You have to love what you're doing and be ready for the consequences of being in the adult industry - whatever you post online, it's going to be there forever.

If you want to admire some sexed-up images of Levy Foxx, our NSFW edition gives you every inch.

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How To Date Men: The Podcast
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