Theatre Watch: Reject Me, Already

A choose-your-own-adventure rom-com.

Theatre Watch: Reject Me, Already

Welcome to the romcom musical where you play the matchmaker! 

"Reject Me, Already" is an original musical that follows the story of Cameron and Casey - two hopeless romantics looking for their soulmates.

The twist in this production is that the audience decides who plays which role and who ends up with who.

With six actors and six roles, there are countless variations on the way that this story can be told.

"I wanted to write a love story about the underdogs..." explains Paul Richard Keegan - writer and composer of the musical. "A love story about people that you never really see leading romantic comedies - they’re a little insecure and have a hard time expressing themselves, but they’re worthy of love.  And with this new take, we’re really leaning into the idea that this is a love story for everyone."

"At each performance the audience will choose which actor is looking for their true love and which actor will ultimately be their partner..." adds Jerry Goehring, director of the production. "This inclusive approach to storytelling is seeing love through acceptance and the journeys we all go on as we look for our soul mate.  No matter your sexuality, gender or proclivity, love is love is love is love."

When's it on?

Performance Dates:

  • Friday 2nd – Saturday 10th August 2024, 19:40
  • Monday 12th – Saturday 17th August 2024, 22:00
  • Monday 19th – Saturday 24th August 2024, 23:10


  • Greenside (Lime Studio), George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PQ
  • Greenside (Thistle Studio), Riddle Court, 322 Lawnmarket, Edinburgh
    EH1 2PG, 

Box Office:

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