Voting is now open in the General Erection!

We're going to the polls and every vote counts.

Voting is now open in the General Erection!

Seems like everyone is heading to the polls this summer, and Gaydar is no exception!

While politics may be a bit of a boner-killer, our correspondents are standing by to provide all of the in-depth analysis as the votes are counted in Gaydar's General Erection!

Yes, you read it correctly - it's not a typo, this is an election in which everyone gets to vote for their favourite erection. We've all got to make hard choices!

What's at stake?

The erection that gets the most votes wins - it's a first-past the post kind of poll.

The winning erection gets £100 in cash.

Who are the nominees?

We've all got 9 contenders to choose from.

Here they are, in all their glory.

Cast Your Vote!

Voting closes on Thursday, 4 July.


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