The Intersection of Ghosting and the LGBTQ+ Community
There's nothing easy about dating.

By Anthony T. Eaton
Ghosting, while not a new phenomenon, has become increasingly prevalent across all demographics due to the rise of technology and our ability to connect with individuals from anywhere.
Within the LGBTQ+ community, its effects can be especially pronounced.
In addition to the typical reasons for ghosting—such as conflict avoidance, fear of commitment, lack of communication skills, and emotional immaturity—we contend with several distinctive factors that intersect with our experiences as LGBTQ+ individuals. These include but are not limited to:
Identity and Acceptance
Many of us in the LGBTQ+ community have faced complex challenges related to identity formation and acceptance, both internally and within various social circles. In the context of dating and relationships, this journey of self-discovery can contribute to heightened vulnerability and sensitivity to rejection.
Unfortunately, ghosting can exacerbate feelings of isolation and self-doubt, particularly for those who are still exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Safety Concerns
For us, disclosing our sexual orientation or gender identity to potential partners carries additional risks, including the threat of discrimination, harassment, or violence. In some cases, ghosting may be employed to avoid potential backlash or adverse reactions upon disclosure.
The fear of rejection or harm can lead individuals to prioritize self-protection over open communication, resulting in silent disappearances rather than honest conversations.
Limited Dating Pool
Despite progress in societal acceptance and legal protections, we often need help finding compatible partners within a smaller dating pool. As a result, the stakes of each romantic connection may feel higher, intensifying the emotional impact of ghosting.
The scarcity of potential matches can magnify feelings of rejection and loneliness, making the experience of being ghosted even more distressing.
Intersectional Identities
We must acknowledge that we encompass diverse intersecting identities, including race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and disability. These intersecting identities often compound our challenges in navigating relationships and coping with ghosting.
Intersectional perspectives highlight the importance of addressing systemic inequalities and promoting inclusivity within LGBTQ+ spaces to ensure all individuals feel valued and supported.
Community Support and Resilience
On the flip side, our community's emphasis on solidarity and mutual support can serve as a source of resilience in the face of ghosting. Many find solace and validation within LGBTQ+ spaces, where shared experiences foster a sense of belonging and understanding.
How to handle being ghosted
Handling ghosting can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for anyone, but several strategies can help if you have been ghosted.
Allow Yourself to Feel
It's natural to experience a range of emotions when faced with ghosting, including confusion, sadness, anger, and rejection. Allow yourself to acknowledge and validate these feelings without judgment.
Seek Support
Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support groups. Sharing your experience with others who care about you can provide emotional support and perspective. Sometimes, talking about what happened can help alleviate feelings of isolation and distress.
Set Boundaries
While seeking closure or answers from the person who ghosted you is tempting, focusing on your emotional well-being is essential. Avoid repeatedly contacting the individual to elicit a response, prolonging the pain and frustration. Instead, focus on self-care and prioritizing your own needs.
Practice Self-Compassion
Treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Being ghosted says more about the other person's behavior than your worth or value. Practice self-care activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul, whether exercising, meditating, journaling, or indulging in your favorite hobbies.
Reflect and Learn
While ghosting can feel hurtful and confusing, it can also provide self-reflection and growth opportunities. It is essential to take some time to reflect on what occurred and any patterns or red flags that may have contributed to the ghosting. Use the experience as a learning opportunity to gain insight into your needs, boundaries, and communication style.
Consider Professional Help
If you find yourself struggling to cope with the effects of ghosting or if it's significantly impacting your mental health and well-being, don't hesitate to seek support from a therapist or counselor. A trained professional can offer guidance, validation, and coping strategies to help you navigate this challenging experience and emerge stronger on the other side.
Move Forward
It's important to release the attachment to the person who ghosted you and focus on moving forward with your life. Redirect your energy towards activities and relationships that bring you joy and fulfillment. Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and honesty in all your interactions, and don't settle for anything less.
Addressing ghosting
Given these unique factors, addressing ghosting within our community requires a nuanced understanding of the unique dynamics. To foster empathy, promote open communication, and advocate for inclusive and supportive environments, we must create relationships within our community where all individuals feel seen, heard, and respected, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Through community connections and advocacy efforts, we can challenge the phenomenon surrounding ghosting and promote healthier relationships.
If you or someone you know is struggling due to being ghosted, help and resources are available.
- UK National LGBTQIA+ Support Line 0800 0119 100
- US LGBT National Help Center 1-888-843-4564
- AU LGBTQIA+ Support Services 1800 184 527
- CA It Gets Better Canada 1-833-456-4566