Why Anti-LGBTQIA+ Laws are Bad for Luxury Tourism

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Why Anti-LGBTQIA+ Laws are Bad for Luxury Tourism

Written by Duncan Greenfield-Turk of Global Travel Moments

The United States of America has long been a popular destination for luxury tourism, attracting millions of visitors from around the world each year. However, recent laws that have been introduced targeting the LGBTQIA+ community threaten to harm the country's reputation as a welcoming and inclusive destination. In this article, we will explore why these laws are bad for luxury tourism and what states that are supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community can do to win the hearts and wallets of travellers.

Why Anti-LGBTQIA+ Laws are Bad for Luxury Tourism

The LGBTQIA+ community is a significant market for luxury tourism, with an estimated global spending power of $3.7 trillion. However, laws that target this community can have a significant impact on tourism. In the United States, laws that restrict LGBTQIA+ rights have already led to cancelled conferences and boycotts of businesses and destinations that are perceived to be anti-LGBTQIA+.

For luxury travellers, who are often seeking destinations that are inclusive and welcoming, these laws can be particularly harmful. Many luxury travellers are members of the LGBTQIA+ community themselves, and they are likely to avoid destinations that do not respect their rights and freedoms. Moreover, luxury travellers tend to be well-informed and socially conscious, and they are likely to be aware of the negative impact of anti-LGBTQIA+ laws on the community.

States that are Supportive of the LGBTQIA+ Community Can Win Travellers' Hearts and Wallets

The good news is that states that are supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community can use their inclusive policies and laws to attract luxury travellers. By positioning themselves as welcoming and inclusive destinations, these states can win the hearts and wallets of travellers who are seeking a luxury experience that reflects their values and beliefs.

Here are some strategies that states can use to attract luxury travellers from the LGBTQIA+ community:

Promote Inclusive Policies and Laws

States that are supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community should make sure that their policies and laws reflect this support. This can include everything from anti-discrimination laws to policies that support transgender individuals. States that have taken steps to protect the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals should promote these policies and laws through their tourism marketing campaigns.

Collaborate with LGBTQIA+ Organizations

States can also collaborate with LGBTQIA+ organizations to promote their destinations. These organizations can help to spread the word about the state's inclusive policies and laws, as well as help to plan events and activities that cater to the LGBTQIA+ community.

Develop Specialized Luxury Experiences

States can develop specialized luxury experiences that cater to the LGBTQIA+ community. This can include everything from LGBTQIA+ friendly spas and hotels to LGBTQIA+ focused tours and activities. By offering these specialized experiences, states can attract luxury travellers who are seeking a tailored experience that reflects their values and beliefs.

Invest in Infrastructure

States that are supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community should invest in infrastructure that reflects this support. This can include everything from LGBTQIA+ friendly rest stops and public facilities to LGBTQIA+ focused cultural events and festivals. By investing in infrastructure that supports the community, states can attract luxury travellers who are seeking a welcoming and inclusive destination.


The LGBTQIA+ community is a significant market for luxury tourism, and states that are supportive of this community can use their inclusive policies and laws to attract these travellers. By promoting inclusive policies and laws, collaborating with LGBTQIA+ organizations, developing specialized luxury experiences, and investing in infrastructure that supports the community, states can win the hearts and wallets of luxury travellers who are seeking a destination that reflects their values and beliefs.