Theatre Watch: Pillock

Jordan Tweddle is taking his play to Edinburgh.

Theatre Watch: Pillock

Pillock has ADHD and is trying to keep his head above water, but he is drowning in loneliness, hook-up culture and medical role plays. Then he meets Eugene – but will he be Mr Right or Mr Right Now? Pillock wants to trust his gut, but with his lactose intolerance, his can’t even handle a Muller Corner.

Written and performed by Jordan Tweddle, Pillock is billed a dark comedy that takes the audience on a journey through its hero’s brain and body – a play for anyone who has ever felt alone, or like they’ve pretended to be someone they’re not – and for anyone who doesn’t mind a bit of swearing.

"I don’t think I necessarily set out to write a play about ADHD, but more about my experience of it – it lives in the texture, the form, the rhythms, in the unique experiences that have moulded Pillock..." explains Jordan Tweddle. "I think at its heart, Pillock is probably a play about loneliness, which makes it sound really bleak – but I promise it’s not. It will make you cry or make you laugh."

When's it on?

  • Performance Dates: Thursday 1st – Sunday 25th August, 18:25
  • Running Time: 60 minutes
  • Location: Assembly (Front Room), 54 George Street, Edinburgh, EU2 2LR